Baptism: Kyle Telex

For Kyle, it took walking away from the faith, saying no when the time came for confirmation in the Catholic church, to ultimately begin a journey back to Christ. At that time, he admitted to his parents that he didn't know what he believed and Kyle began to seek out different faiths and ideas, always searching for answers.

After his parents split up and went their separate ways for many years, to Kyle’s surprise, they each rekindled their faith, inspiring him to seek out Christianity again. He sat with a pastor and challenged his faith questions & the Bible, ultimately reading the Gospel of Luke and being convinced of its truth.

One of the most challenging moments in Kyle’s life was the death of his Grandfather, who had placed his faith in Christ right at the end of his life. Since believing in the Gospel, Kyle has been able to cope with his Grandfather’s death, having complete confidence that he is in heaven and will see him again.

Kyle is thankful for the peace, patience, and guidance the Lord gives him through His word, always speaking to Kyle just what he needs to hear. Ultimately, he believes that God has been there all along, through the doubts and disbelief, pulling him back to Himself.


Baptism: Bill Fischer


Baptism: Allison Klee