Baptism: Jeromy Manser

Life for Jeromy before placing faith in Christ was lacking focus. He was raised Catholic, attending church periodically, but never developed an understanding of the Gospel. After he met his wife, Kate, they wanted to raise their family in the faith but had a hard time connecting with God at their church.

After friends invited them to Northridge, they walked out of service feeling much peace and joy. After attending Northridge for about a year, Jeromy really started to understand more about God through the messages. A particular line from a sermon challenged him- “What are you waiting for”? That is when he decided he was ready to trust Christ.

Since deciding to follow Jesus, Jeromy feels he has a purpose and direction for his life. He can fully trust Him through the highs and lows of life and feels like he has a firm foundation to build his life on.


Baptism: Kate Manser


Baptism: Darren Hernandez